Equipped by Faith

Equipped by Faith | Live Podcast EP1 | Sabrina Harrison + Amy Ogle

Sabrina Harrison Season 1 Episode 1

Today, you will meet my beautiful friend Amy Ogle. I know her story of redemption and learning to trust in the goodness of God will encourage you in your faith.

Amy is a writer, singer, and speaker who currently resides in Rockwall, Texas with her new husband and best friend, Jordan. She spends her time ghostwriting and editing, helping authors publish their book ideas, writing her own music, and partnering with anti-trafficking organizations that are rescuing children from slavery and abuse across the globe. Amy is passionate about the love of God and has a desire to use her story to pave a pathway of healing for women who battle fear, insecurity, and depression as they find identity, hope, and freedom in their Creator.

Whether you are single, married, divorced, or waiting – plan to join us for EBF at noon! We know Amy's story of redemption and learning to trust in the goodness of God will encourage you in your faith.

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